Mohammad Ishaq Khan is former Professor and Head of the Department of History at Kashmir University. After his superannuation, he held the prestigious Shaikhu'l-'Alam Chair at the same University for two years. He is the author of following seven books:
1. History of Srinagar, 1846-1947: a study in Socio-Cultural Change, 3rd ed. Gulshan Publishers, Srinagar, 2007
2. Perspectives on Kashmir: Historical Dimensions, Gulshan, 1983
3. Kashmir's Transition to Islam: The Role of Muslim Rishis (Manohar, New Delhi, 1994, 2nd ed. 1997; 3rd ed. 2000) 4th edition published by Gulshan with fresh introduction in 2005
4. Experiencing Islam, Sterling, New Delhi,1997; University Press, Dacca, 1997; Oxford University Press, Karachi, 1997
5. Crisis of a Kashmir: Spiritual and Intellectual, Gulshan, 2008
6. "Kashmir: Humanity Stifled, Aamir Publications, 2007
7. Biographical Dictionary of Sufism in South Asia, Manohar, New Delhi, 2009
Professor Ishaq Khan is a known authority on Kashmir history and Sufism. Besides the above books he has contributed widely to such prestigious international journals as The Indian Economic and Social History Review, New Delhi, Islam and Christian-Muslim Relations, United Kingdom, Islamic Culture, Hyderabad, Deccan, Hamdard Islamicus, Pakistan, Journal of Pakistan Historical Society, Karachi, The Third Frame, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, etc. Three of his research article related to Sufi and social dimension of Islam in Kashmir have been reprinted in the following prestigious publications of the Oxford University Press:
1. Muslim Shrines in India, Christian W Troll,OUP, New Delhi, 1987; India's Religions, ed. T.N. Madan, OUP, New Delhi, 2004 2. India's Islamic Traditions, ed. Richard Maxwell Eaton, OUP, 2003 3. Religious Movements in South Asia, David Lorrenze, OUP, 2004